
We are ColorInvent

The core of Colorinvent consists of two industrial color professionals with 50+ years of experience working for two of the largest paint multinationals on the development of proprietary color match systems. We have practical experience of hand-matching, and excellent understanding of paint, pigments, color science, and software development. 

We have the ability to combine our expertise and experience to design, develop, and implement high performance and efficient color systems. 

Paul Goedhart

Klaas de Haas

Value we add

The team of ColorInvent has a proven track record of efficiency improvement up to 300%, where average “all-in” cost per effect color will become significantly lower. Color databases become more consistent with better quality, larger color offer, and shorter lead times.

Our software interface is intuitive, which results in very fast learning curves and lowers dependency on highly skilled people in the color laboratories. Our tools are global and cloud based by design, which makes color communication very easy between different laboratories, end users, and potentially suppliers as well. We can provide support at many levels: from process design to individual specific difficult color matches.

GEt in touch with us